Wonderful! – The Wild Storm: Michael Cray #7 – Review

Michael Cray 7 - coverIt’s Michael Cray time! A combination of work stress and having to read Hanna-Barbera comics for a while has, quite honestly, made me more than a little desperate for this book. Which is kind of ironic, because a couple of months ago I’d more or less given up on it. What a difference a single issue can make! Bryan Hill’s decision last time to bring to the foreground the mystery of our titular hero’s tumour did enough to hook me back into this series that had been threatening to sink under the weight of a story structure that was formulaic and predictable. Now, though, with the introduction of the Wild Storm universe’s John Constantine and a sense of things spinning out of Cray’s (and Christine Trelane’s) control, all bets are off. Who knows what might happen this issue? There is, as they say, only one way to find out…

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Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #3 – Review

Snagglepuss 3 coverI must admit I was a bit harsh on this series to begin with, but it’s beginning to grow on me. After last issue’s ending, which indicated that our pink hero would soon have to appear before the government committee trying to clean up the performing arts in 1950s America, the stage seemed to be set for some kind of confrontation and, presumably, a considerable quantity of drama. While there is indeed a fair number of dramatic goings on here, it’s very much an incidental issue, replete with charm, humour and a surprising level of pathos.

Let me explain…

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